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Entertech Istanbul Technopark

Istanbul Technopark was established on 17.12.2009 at Istanbul University Technology Development Zone within the framework of the Regulation on Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and its Implementation Regulation and became operational on 01.04.2012.

Our Mission

To create a scientific, financial and social environment for companies, entrepreneurs and academics targeting new and advanced technologies, supported by universities, industry and the public, where they can carry out their R&D activities, and to ensure that the R&D outputs obtained in this environment are transformed into commercial products, methods or services focused on sustainable development.

Our Vision

To create an innovation ecosystem that seeks sustainable development focused on social and technological impact and shapes the future on a global scale.

Our Core Values

  • Creating an innovation ecosystem that considers social and environmental impacts as well as technological impact,
  • To ensure that academic accumulation and scientific research results at universities are transformed into economic value,
  • To contribute to increasing international competitiveness in line with our country's technological and economic development goals,
  • To establish mechanisms that bring together national and international companies working in the field of advanced technologies and universities to create a positive impetus in both education and technological development processes,
  • To provide a happy, healthy and safe working environment for a people-oriented corporate culture and social development.

Why Istanbul Technopark?

R&D and Innovative Technologies

Providing the necessary scientific, financial, social and technical infrastructure for companies operating in the field of R&D and Innovative Technologies,

Technology Gevelopment

Managing the support, incentives, exemption procedures and project processes provided to companies operating in the Technology Development Zone,

Organization and Management

Organizing and managing university-industry, industry-industry and public-industry collaborations,

Guidance on Operations

Guiding the processes such as TRL development, prototyping, project design, incorporation, productization, commercialization and post-commercialization contract management, revenue sharing, in order to transform the knowledge generated in the Technology Development Zone and Universities into economic value,

Entrepreneurship Support

Supporting entrepreneurship activities, designing and implementing venture acceleration programs, guiding venture firms in the processes of reaching investors and receiving investments,

Communication and Marketing Processes

Supporting the brand visibility, communication and marketing processes of companies operating in the Technology Development Zone.

Services Provided at Entertech

Providing all infrastructure facilities including offices, workspaces and prototype development for technology developing companies, entrepreneurs and academic enterprises...